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Pet News from Chillicothe, OH

Montreal Pit Bull Ban Starts With Controversy

Montreal's City Council approved a ban on all pit bull breeds, resulting in outcry and protest among several animal welfare organizations. The pit bull ban comes in the wake of a fatal dog mauling in June 2015. According to the law, new ownership of pit bulls is banned, while existing pit bulls have to be licensed by the end of the year.

Supporters of the ban argue that pit bull breeds are "uniquely dangerous." These supporters point to rates of violence linked to pit bulls, especially when compared to rates of most other dog breeds. Ontario is closely observing this ban, and considering implementing their own in the near future.

Opponents of this new bill include the Montreal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), the Quebec Order of Veterinarians, multiple animal welfare groups, as well as the celebrities and animal rights activists Pamela Anderson And Cyndi Lauper.

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