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New Pet Tracking Device with Zero Monthly Fees to be Released in December

The newly created Findster Duo GPS system is similar to many pet tracking products: a small, electronic attachment is placed on a pet's collar, and if they go astray, the pet owner can use the web to find their exact whereabouts. While these sorts of products are on the rise, Findster Duo GPS will soon become the first product to be offered without monthly fees.

What does this mean as a pet owner? For starters, owning pets can be expensive, and adding on another monthly fee of $10 can be burdensome, especially among pet bills like veterinary appointments, food, and other fiscal responsibilities. Furthermore, advances in pet tracking locaters could lead more and more pet owners towards these products, causing fewer homeless or lost dogs. It's a trend that the animal community can only hope picks up.

All pets should have a microchip device. These locating devices are placed under the pets skins and are small, easily implanted, and can help return pets when they go missing through a simple electronic scan. But for those pet owners who want constant affirmation that they can find their pet wherever, whenever, the future of pet tracking devices suggests constant contact with their beloved companions.

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